
<h1><a href=”index.html”></a>/acknowledgements</h1>
James Carville said that since you cannot thank everyone, you should thank no one. Many people have helped with my channeled scablands research. This page is dedicated to those who have hypertext links.<br>
The site is hosted on a <a href=””>server</a> somewhere along with (and courtesy of) my friend Kirk’s incredible <a href=””></a> site:<br>
<center><a href=””><img src=”Lotus30_com_Logo_100H.gif” align=”center” alt=” logo”></a></center><br>
When Kirk’s not re-rubberizing a racetrack with his foot-and-a-half-wide racing slicks, he’s taking only <a href=””>memories</a> and leaving only tyre prints in some godforsaken desert:<br>
<center><a href=””><img src=”KDKtitleWhite.GIF” align=”center” alt=” logo”></a></center><br>

<i>Contact</i><b> </b><i>the NO SPAM way:</i> <b>bkm</b> (then the “at” symbol) <b>scabland</b> (then a period) <b>org</b><br>
<i>Page created:</i> 12 May 2004<br>